Embedding into Jekyll

Use doc2go to generate output compatible with Jekyll.

To feed the output of doc2go into Jekyll, you need at least the following:

  • enable embedded mode
  • add front matter to each generated file
  • generate pages into your Jekyll directory

So if your Jekyll website is a subdirectory inside your project with a layout similar to the following:

Project root
 |- go.mod
 |- foo.go
 '- docs/
     |- _config.yml
     |- _posts/
     '- index.md

Add a front matter template to the docs directory:

cat > docs/frontmatter.tmpl << EOF
title: "{{ with .Name }}{{ . }}{{ else }}Reference{{ end }}"
layout: default
render_with_liquid: false

And run this command from the project root:

doc2go -embed -out docs/api  -frontmatter docs/frontmatter.tmpl ./...

This will generate your API reference under an /api path on your website.

The front matter template above specifies that your website should use the package or binary name as the page title, or the directory name if it’s not a Go package. Additionally, it instructs Jekyll’s templating system (Liquid) to ignore these pages—this prevents Liquid from interpreting occurences of {{, }}, {%, and %} in your documentation as Liquid filters or tags.

See Adding front matter to write your own templates.

Last modified November 30, 2024: docs: upgrade docsy (#260) (58869cd)