
Install doc2go on your machine.

You can install pre-built binaries of doc2go, or install it from source.

Binary installation

The following methods are available to install pre-built binaries of doc2go.

Homebrew and Linuxbrew

If you’re using Homebrew on macOS or Linux, run the following command:

brew install abhinav/tap/doc2go


If you’re using ArchLinux, install doc2go from AUR using the doc2go-bin package.

git clone
cd doc2go-bin
makepkg -si

If you use an AUR helper like yay, run the following command instead:

yay -S doc2go-bin

GitHub Releases

Download pre-built binaries of doc2go from its releases page.

Install from source

To install doc2go from source, first install Go if you don’t already have it, and then run:

go install
Last modified February 26, 2024: Upgrade to latest Hugo (#214) (0f851c2)