Front matter

Add front matter to generated pages.


Static site generators like Hugo and Jekyll expect front matter at the top of the file.

This front matter typically takes the form of a block of YAML delimited by ---, or a block of TOML delimited by +++. The block is expected at the top of the file, and is separated from the rest of the content by an empty line.


title: Getting started
type: docs
no_toc: true

To get started [..]

title = "Getting started"
type = "docs"
no_toc = true

To get started [..]

Front matter in doc2go

You can use the -frontmatter flag of doc2go to add custom front matter to all generated pages. This is typically only done in embedded mode.

doc2go -embed -frontmatter frontmatter.tmpl ./...

The argument to -frontmatter is a file that contains a Go text/template. The template must include the --- or +++ symbols that delimit the front matter block.

# ...
# ...

See the reference for all parameters available to the template.

doc2go will execute the template for each package that it’s generating documentation for. If the result is not blank, doc2go will include it at the top of the generated file, separated from the rest of the content with an empty line.

Common attributes

Page title

Hugo and Jekyll let you specify the title of the page with a title attribute in the front matter.

You can use the following template to set the page title accurately for most cases.

title: "{{ with .Name }}{{ . }}{{ else }}Reference{{ end }}"
title = "{{ with .Name }}{{ . }}{{ else }}Reference{{ end }}"

This handles a few different cases:

  • for non-main packages, use the name of the package
  • for main packages, use the name of the binary—determined by the base name
  • for directories that aren’t Go packages, use the name of the directory
  • lastly, for the top-level directory, use the title “Reference”

Page description

Some templates make use of the description attribute for SEO and directory listings.

Add the following to your template to set this attribute.

{{ with .Package.Synopsis -}}
  description: {{ printf "%q" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Package.Synopsis -}}
  description = {{ printf "%q" . }}
{{ end }}

Template context reference

doc2go runs the front matter template with the following context:

struct {
	// Path to the package or directory relative
	// to the module root.
	// This is empty for the root index page.
	Path string
	// Last component of Path.
	// This is empty for the root index page.
	Basename string
	// Number of packages or directories directly under Path.
	NumChildren int

	// The following fields are set only for packages.
	Package struct {
		// Name of the package. Empty for directories.
		Name string
		// First sentence of the package documentation,
		// if any.
		Synopsis string

	// Name of this package or directory.
	Name string
Last modified November 30, 2024: docs: upgrade docsy (#260) (58869cd)