Syntax highlighting

Customize doc2go’s syntax highlighting of code blocks.

doc2go highlights code inside API reference declarations with the help of the Chroma library. This keeps syntax highlighting “server-side” as opposed to “client side”— the HTML it generates already contains syntax highlighting instructions.


Themes specify the style for syntax highlighting, answering questions like what should be rendered when a comment is encountered.

Changing themes

Use the -highlight flag to change the theme for syntax highlighting.

doc2go -highlight monokai ./...

Available themes

Get a full list of themes supported by doc2go by running the following command:

doc2go --highlight-list-themes

doc2go supports all themes that come with Chroma as well as a custom theme named ‘plain’ intended to mirror the minimal syntax highlighting on

doc2go -highlight plain ./...

You can experiment with all but ‘plain’ at Chroma Playground

Highlighting modes

Where the theme specifies what will be rendered when highlighting, highlighting modes determine how it will be rendered.

doc2go supports the following highlight modes:

inlineHighlighting is performed by inline style attributes on the page
classesHighlighting is performed by a CSS style sheet included in the page
autoOne of the other two methods is picked based on other command line flags

The default is auto. It currently behaves as follows, however, this is subject to change:

Without the -embed flag, auto means classes. With the -embed flag, auto means inline.

The effect of this is that syntax highlighting works out of the box in both standalone and embedded modes without any additional setup.

Changing highlighting modes

You can change the highlighting mode with the -highlight flag by supplying the name followed by a colon (:).

doc2go -highlight inline: ./...

If you’d like to also change the theme, add it after the colon suffix.

doc2go -highlight classes:tango ./...

The following are all valid uses of the -highlight flag.

# Use inline highlighting and the default theme.
doc2go -highlight inline: # ...

# Use class-based highlighting with the tango theme.
doc2go -highlight classes:tango # ...

# Use the default highlighting mode with the github theme.
doc2go -highlight github # ...

Printing the theme CSS

The classes highlight mode works only if the style sheet of the theme is included in the page. doc2go does this by default in standalone mode (without the -embed flag).

To access the style sheet for a theme, use the -theme-print-css flag:

# Get the default theme's style sheet:
doc2go -highlight-print-css

# Get a specific theme's style sheet:
doc2go -highlight dracula -highlight-print-css

See Also

Last modified November 30, 2024: docs: upgrade docsy (#260) (58869cd)