
doc2go generates static HTML documentation from one or more Go packages.

See for information on how to use it.


internal/errdefer Package errdefer provides functions for running operations that must be deferred until the end of a function, but which may return errors that should be returned from the function.
internal/flagvalue Package flagvalue provides flag.Value implementations.
internal/godoc Package godoc provides the means of converting parsed Go source information into a documentation subset of it.
internal/gosrc Package gosrc is the part of the pipeline of doc2go responsible for finding Go packages and loading information about them.
internal/highlight Package highlight provides support to highlight source code blocks.
internal/html Package html renders HTML from godoc.Package.
internal/iotest Package iotest provides utilities for testing IO-related code.
internal/linebuf Package linebuf provides line-buffered IO utilities.
internal/must Package must provides helper functions to assert program invariants.
internal/pagefind Package pagefind provides access to the pagefind CLI.
internal/pathtree Package pathtree provides a data structure that stores values organized under a tree-like hierarchy where values from higher levels cascade down to lower levels unless the lower levels define their own values.
internal/pathx Package pathx provides extensions to the path package.
internal/ptr Package ptr provides Of, to turn literals into pointers.
internal/relative Package relative turns paths and file paths relative with string manipulation exclusively.
internal/sliceutil Package sliceutil contains generic functions for working with slices.