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CLI configuration


The behavior of git-spice can be customized with git config. Configuration options may be set at the user level with the --global flag, or at the repository level with the --local flag.

# Set an option for current user$ git config --global <key> <value># Set an option for current repository$ git config --local <key> <value>
What about --system and --worktree?

All configuration levels supported by git config are allowed, although --system and --worktree are less commonly used. Use --worktree to override repository-level settings for a specific git-worktree.

Available options



When running gs branch checkout without any arguments, git-spice presents a prompt to select a branch to checkout. This option controls whether untracked branches are shown in the prompt.

Accepted values:

  • true
  • false (default)



Whether gs branch create should commit staged changes to the new branch. Set this to false to default to creating new branches without committing, and use the --commit flag to commit changes when needed.

  • true (default)
  • false


URL at which the GitHub API is available. Defaults to $GITHUB_API_URL if set, or computed from the GitHub URL if not set.

See also: GitHub Enterprise.


URL of the GitHub instance used for GitHub requests. Defaults to $GITHUB_URL if set, or otherwise.

See also: GitHub Enterprise.


Whether gs log short and gs log long should show all stacks by default, instead of showing just the current stack.

Accepted values:

  • true
  • false (default)


Specifies whether CR submission commands ( gs branch submit and friends) should post or update a navigation comment to the CR.

Accepted values:

  • true (default): always post or update navigation comments
  • false: don't post or update navigation comments
  • multiple: post or update navigation comments only for stacks with at least two CRs



Whether submission commands ( gs branch submit and friends) should publish a CR to the forge.

If this is set to false, submit commands will push branches, but not create CRs. In that case, the --publish flag will opt-in to creating CRs on a case-by-case basis.

Accepted values:

  • true (default)
  • false