package wikilink

import ""

Package wikilink provides support for parsing [[...]]-style and ![[...]]-style wiki links to the goldmark Markdown parser.



var Kind = ast.NewNodeKind("WikiLink")

Kind is the kind of the wikilink AST node.


type Extender

type Extender struct {
	// Resoler specifies how to resolve destinations for linked pages.
	// Uses DefaultResolver if unspecified.
	Resolver Resolver

Extender extends a goldmark Markdown object with support for parsing and rendering Wikilinks.

func (*Extender) Extend

func (e *Extender) Extend(md goldmark.Markdown)

Extend extends the provided Markdown object with support for wikilinks.

type Node

type Node struct {

	// Page to which this wikilink points.
	// This may be blank for links to headers within the same document
	// like [[#Foo]].
	Target []byte

	// Fragment portion of the link, if any.
	// For links in the form, [[Foo bar#Baz qux]], this is the portion
	// after the "#".
	Fragment []byte

	// Whether this link starts with a bang (!).
	//	![[foo.png]]
	// This indicates that the resource should be embedded (e.g. images).
	Embed bool

Node is a Wikilink AST node. Wikilinks have two components: the target and the label.

The target is the page to which this link points, and the label is the text that displays for this link.

For links in the following form, the label and the target are the same.

[[Foo bar]]

For links in the following form, the target is the portion of the link to the left of the "|", and the label is the portion to the right.

[[Foo bar|baz qux]]

func (*Node) Dump

func (n *Node) Dump(src []byte, level int)

Dump dumps the Node to stdout.

func (*Node) Kind

func (n *Node) Kind() ast.NodeKind

Kind reports the kind of this node.

type Parser

type Parser struct{}

Parser parses wikilinks.

Install it on your goldmark Markdown object with Extender, or install it directly on your goldmark Parser by using the WithInlineParsers option.

wikilinkParser := util.Prioritized(&wikilink.Parser{...}, 199)

Note that the priority for the wikilink parser must 199 or lower to take precedence over the plain Markdown link parser which has a priority of 200.

func (*Parser) Parse

func (p *Parser) Parse(_ ast.Node, block text.Reader, _ parser.Context) ast.Node

Parse parses a wikilink in one of the following forms:

[[...]]    (simple)
![[...]]   (embedded)

Both, simple and embedded wikilinks support the following syntax:


If the label is omitted, the target is used as the label.

The target may optionally contain a fragment identifier:


func (*Parser) Trigger

func (p *Parser) Trigger() []byte

Trigger returns characters that trigger this parser.

type Renderer

type Renderer struct {
	// Resolver determines destinations for wikilink pages.
	// If a Resolver returns an empty destination, the Renderer will skip
	// the link and render just its contents. That is, instead of,
	//   <a href="foo">bar</a>
	// The renderer will render just the following.
	//   bar
	// Defaults to DefaultResolver if unspecified.
	Resolver Resolver
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Renderer renders wikilinks as HTML.

Install it on your goldmark Markdown object with Extender, or directly on a goldmark Renderer by using the WithNodeRenderers option.

wikilinkRenderer := util.Prioritized(&wikilink.Renderer{...}, 199)

func (*Renderer) RegisterFuncs

func (r *Renderer) RegisterFuncs(reg renderer.NodeRendererFuncRegisterer)

RegisterFuncs registers wikilink rendering functions with the provided goldmark registerer. This teaches goldmark to call us when it encounters a wikilink in the AST.

func (*Renderer) Render

func (r *Renderer) Render(w util.BufWriter, src []byte, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error)

Render renders the provided Node. It must be a Wikilink Node.

goldmark will call this method if this renderer was registered with it using the WithNodeRenderers option.

All nodes will be rendered as links (with <a> tags), except for embed links (![[..]]) that refer to images. Those will be rendered as images (with <img> tags).

type Resolver

type Resolver interface {
	// ResolveWikilink returns the address of the page that the provided
	// wikilink points to. The destination will be URL-escaped before
	// being placed into a link.
	// If ResolveWikilink returns a non-nil error, rendering will be
	// halted.
	// If ResolveWikilink returns a nil destination and error, the
	// Renderer will omit the link and render its contents as a regular
	// string.
	ResolveWikilink(*Node) (destination []byte, err error)

Resolver resolves pages referenced by wikilinks to their destinations.

var DefaultResolver Resolver = defaultResolver{}

DefaultResolver is a minimal wiklink resolver that resolves wikilinks relative to the source page.

It adds ".html" to the end of the target if the target does not have an extension.

For example,

[[Foo]]      // => "Foo.html"
[[Foo bar]]  // => "Foo bar.html"
[[foo/Bar]]  // => "foo/Bar.html"
[[foo.pdf]]  // => "foo.pdf"
[[foo.png]]  // => "foo.png"